Saturday, July 4, 2015



This is party food made easy; serve with toasted bread or toss into a pasta salad. Feel free to cut back on the crushed red pepper flakes if you're sensitive to heat and spice.

You'll need a glass or sturdy plastic container with a tight-fitting lid that can hold all the oil and cheese.

The marinade oil can be strained and used in salad dressings.

Make Ahead: The feta needs to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 48 hours and up to 3 weeks.


Tested size: 16 servings; makes about 2 quarts
4 cups good-quality extra-virgin olive oil
1 bunch fresh thyme
1 bunch fresh rosemary
3 bay leaves
Rind (no pith) of 2 oranges
Rind (no pith) of 2 lemons
2 pounds good-quality sheep’s-milk or goat’s-milk feta cheese, such as Seven Springs and Lively Run brands
3 tablespoons whole black peppercorns
3 tablespoons whole pink peppercorns
3 tablespoons crushed red pepper flakes (see headnote)

Combine the oil, thyme, rosemary, bay leaves and citrus rinds in a medium saucepan over medium heat.

Meanwhile, drain the feta and cut it into 1-inch cubes. Place them in the glass or plastic container. Add both kinds of peppercorns and the crushed red pepper flakes.

Once the marinade begins to bubble at the edges, remove it from the heat. Let it cool to room temperature, then pour it over the feta. The cheese should be completely submerged. Seal and refrigerate for at least 48 hours before serving; discard the herbs for longer-term storage.

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