Thursday, November 17, 2016


 The British have a tradition of having ‘Afternoon Tea‘ in the late afternoon.  It is believed  that Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford complained of “having that sinking feeling” during  late afternoons. This problem of hers was addressed by a pot of tea and a light snack, perhaps a slice of cake, in the privacy of her boudoir during the late afternoon, of course! ‘High Tea’ is often described as a high-end version of an afternoon tea but this wasn’t the case at all, when it all started! This was in fact a meal for labourers, who had a cuppa with their dinner!
* Cream Tea — A simple tea consisting of scones, clotted cream, marmalade or lemon curd and tea.
* Low Tea/Afternoon Tea — An afternoon meal including sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, curd, 2-3 sweets and tea. Known as “low tea” because guests were seated in low armchairs with low side-tables on which to place their cups and saucers.
* Elevensies — Morning coffee hour in England
* Royale Tea — A social tea served with champagne at the beginning or sherry at the end of the tea.
* High Tea — High tea co notates an idea of elegancy and regal-ness when in fact is was an evening meal most often enjoyed around 6 pm as laborers and miners returned home. High tea consists of meat and potatoes as well as other foods and tea. It was not exclusively a working class meal but was adopted by all social groups. Families with servants often took high tea on Sundays in order to allow the maids and butlers time to go to church and not worry about cooking an evening meal for the family.

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