Monday, July 13, 2015


Hubig's Tribute Miniature Sweet Potato Fried Pies
Makes about 20

1 cup sweet potato puree (1 large sweet potato, peeled, cooked, mashed until smooth)  
2 tablespoons brown sugar, packed
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Generous grating of fresh nutmeg
Pinch of salt
1 or so tablespoons evaporated milk or half and half

To assemble and cook:
Pie dough to equal 2 crusts for a 9-inch pie
Oil for frying

Prepare filling: Combine sweet potato puree, sugar, egg (if using), vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg in a medium bowl. Mix well. Slowly add 1 tablespoon evaporated milk and blend. (Add another 1 tablespoon if not using the egg.) Add more milk if needed to make a mixture that is stiff but still spreadable. If the filling is too soupy, it will leak out of the pies.

To assemble: Roll out dough on a floured surface to 1/8 inch thick. Use a 2-1/2-inch round biscuit or cookie cutter to cut rounds from the dough.
Place about 1 teaspoon of the puree in the center of a round. Fold the round in half over the filling until the edges are even. With the tines of a fork, press the edges together firmly. (Filling should not squirt out the side, but if it does, just remove the excess with a clean spoon or your finger.) Dip the fork in water if it looks like it's sticking to the dough.

Heat oil over medium-high heat in a 10-inch skillet to frying temperature. Test with a scrap of dough. When the oil bubbles all around the edge of the dough and it turns golden brown on one side within a minute or two, the oil is hot enough.

Carefully slip the filled pies into the hot oil, and keep an eye on them. With a spatula and tongs, gently turn them over when the pressed-together outer edge starts to look golden brown. Cook until second side is browned as well, about another minute, then drain and remove to a plate lined with paper towels..
Like any fried food, these pies are best served hot.

PIE Variations:
Make the pies larger. To make hand-size pies about the size of Hubig's, cut out 6-inch circles of dough.
You can also gather up and re-roll the scraps of dough to make more pie circles.
Bake the pies on a sheet of parchment in a 375-degree oven until browned.
Add a couple of tablespoons of minced toasted pecans to the filling.
You can make a glaze with sifted powder sugar and cream or milk added in tiny increments to a thin consistency. Drizzle it over the pies.  

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