Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Enough for 4 people 
  • 450g (1lb) raspberries, plus extra to serve 
  • 115g (4oz) redcurrants, plus extra to serve 
  • 115g (4oz) sugar 
  • Sliced loaf of one-day-old white bread, crust removed (or enough to cover a soufflé dish) 
Stew the raspberries and redcurrants with the sugar and without any water. Cook for 2-3 minutes and leave to cool. Line a round, deep dish (a soufflé dish does very well) with the bread. 
The slices should be of the usual thickness for sandwiches. The dish must be completely lined, with no space through which the juice can escape. 
Fill up with the fruit, but reserve some of the juice. Cover the fruit with a layer of bread. On top put a plate which fits exactly inside the dish, and on the plate put a 900g-1.3kg (2lb-3lb) weight.
 Leave overnight in a cold larder or refrigerator. When ready to serve, turn out on to a dish (not a completely flat one, or the juice will overflow) and pour the reserved juice over it. 
Top with raspberries and redcurrants and a little mint, if you like. 
 Make a hot fruit salad with leftover berries. Stew 450g (1lb) gooseberries and 115g (4oz) redcurrants with sugar (no water) for 3 minutes, add 225g (8oz) raspberries and stew for 2 minutes more. Serve hot, with thick cream.

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